House of Worship

Two of Sun Valley Community Church's five campuses in Gilbert, Arizona recently underwent extensive audio system upgrades to better serve their 8,000 regular attendees and the performers on stage. These upgrades hinged on the KLANG:fabrik audio-mixing system, which integrated seamlessly with the DiGiCo SD8 and SD21 at either campuses and Dante as the common denomenator.

Home of the NBA Thunder basketball team, Oklahoma City’s 581,000-square-foot Chesapeake Energy Arena recently installed a new sound reinforcement system. Seeking sound clarity and coverage as well as system flexibility for an arena that seats more than 19,000 is no easy task, but with Dante providing control and signal routing between the new mixing system, existing DSP, and the Anya loudspeaker arrays via standard Ethernet, the new system couldn't be simpler.

La Iglesia de la Comunidad de Willow Creek, una comunidad interconfesional con siete instalaciones de culto, se encuentra ubicada en el área metropolitana de Chicago. La iglesia principal de South Barrington (Illinois, EE. UU.) sirve como ubicación central para la distribución de contenido de audio y video a las seis ubicaciones satélite de la iglesia. En el centro de la reciente transformación técnica de Willow Creek hay una red Dante para simplificar el proceso de enrutamiento, distribución y gestión de múltiples canales de audio a través de cuatro recintos distintos en el campus.

Además de los servicios religiosos habituales de los domingos, la iglesia presbiteriana High Kirk de Ballymena (Irlanda del Norte) se utiliza como recinto para eventos de culto, muchos de los cuales están dirigidos a un público joven, que técnicamente es más exigente. En el pasado, esto solía significar renunciar a utilizar el sistema de PA propio de la iglesia y recurrir a traer uno alternativo. Pero para alegría del equipo de técnicos internos, esto ya es historia.

Beltway Park Baptist Church in Abilene, Texas, has enjoyed tremendous growth since 1996, doubling its original building (South Campus) to 80,000 square feet in 2009 and expanding again with the opening of a newly constructed 48,000-sq.-ft. satellite North Campus in March 2015. Both locations use Dante audio networking through Focusrite RedNet interfaces, which enable the distribution, routing and recording of services, praise bands and religious and secular events anywhere within the respective locations.

The Rio Rancho United Methodist Church near Albuquerque, New Mexico is realizing its vision of meeting human needs through open hearts, open minds and open arms by enhancing worship services and special events through a modern, networked AV system that delivers live music and sermons to several locations on campus. Installing Dante has provided a reliable solution to Rio Rancho.

Trinity Episcopal School began as the dream of Austin educator Jane Hill and a small group of parents, who were looking for an Episcopal academic program in a diverse and nurturing environment. The school's exponential growth since 1999 has spurred a succession of construction projects. One of the most recent projects was a new 750-seat multipurpose chapel, and designing a state-of-the-art audio/visual system for it became a challenging project in itself.

River Hills Baptist Church is a growing, vibrant 1500 member congregation in Corpus Christie, Texas. The church expanded into new facilities in February 2011, and the decision was made to invest in state-of-the-art audio and video presentation and recording tools for this new home. They requested the ability to record services and events, and to utilize the power of the popular Pro Presenter software to display worship media at stations around the facility. 

Faith Center Church es una iglesia no confesional ubicada en Vancouver (Washington), cuya misión permanente es construir familias fuertes, preparar a la gente para tener éxito en la vida y abrirse al mundo. Con la pretensión de grabar música original para los propios miembros de la congregación y para todo el planeta, surgió la necesidad de una actualización a coste razonable de su sistema de audio analógico para poder grabar en tiempo real servicios religiosos y actuaciones musicales, pero manteniendo el uso de la infraestructura ya existente.

Hylton Memorial Chapel is a nondenominational Christian Event Center that opened in 1995. The facility does not accommodate a local church or congregation on a regular basis. It seats nearly 3500. The facility was designed to host large Christian events and facilitate renewal throughout the region. The chapel sought a full scale renovation that involved a $1.5 million sound system upgrade.